about us

About us


The Literatur-Kollegium Brandenburg e. V. (“Literary College of Brandenburg”) is a noncommercial society of about 100 writers, film-directors, journalists, translators, librarians, philologists, and other friends of literature. It was founded in 1990, is based in Potsdam and has most members among the literature promoting associations in land Brandenburg.

With our public readings and publications we strive for awakening interest in books and for blossoming literary environment. We strengthen ourselves for regional writers, establish contacts between several writers on the one hand and between writers and the audience, to publishers, book stores, media, museums and other public organizations on the other hand.

We advertise writing awards, advance young writers by means of workshops, discussions and public readings. We also publish anthologies.

One of our goals is to establish productive literary discourse between experienced writers and yet unknown authors.

Moreover, our association strives toward the integration of people of foreign origin and international cultural exchange, e.g. in cooperation with the German faculty at the University of Potsdam.

Also disabled persons are being integrated in our ongoing projects.